Artinoise Re.corder predstavlja,do sada poznatu standardnu blok flautu kao svetski prihvaćen i ekonomski pristupačan muzički instrument, novi instrument nastao dodavanjem pametne i pojednostavljene elektronike i korišćenjem modernih mobilnih uređaja, sa namenom da bude koristan, zabavan, prenosiv i cenovno pristupačan instrument koji je do sada bio nepoznat u u obliku blok flaute.Nova Artinoise digitalna flauta podjednako je privlačna deci, mladima kao i muzičarima svih uzrasta! Njegove posebne karakteristike i otvoreni protokol omogućavaju transformaciju standardne sopran blok flaute u nešto što odgovara posebnim potrebama većine korisnika.
Can be used as a fully functional traditional soprano recorder, classical recorder with digital output and MIDI instrument/controller
With built-in wireless connectivity and sensor platform.
Touch sensors detect fingering
Breath sensor measures the strength of the breath
Additional inertia sensor to add expressiveness to the play
Micro USB charging port
LiPo battery
MIDI interface
BLE connectivity
3D accelerometer
Lightweight and robust case
Touch-sensitive tone holes
Free Re.corder app available for Android and iOS
App features: Play and learn songs - play a collection of classical, rock and pop sheet music and earn points / play solo with digital teacher - highlights mistakes as you play / play against a digital musician or take turns playing with the bot orchestra
Weight: 120 g
Colour: White
Incl. Quick start guide, wiper stick and USB cable type A to micro B